Friday, November 30, 2012

if I were me,
noʎ әɹәʍ
&, you were
noʎ әɹәʍ әɹәɥʍ
where I was,
l sɐʍ әɹәɥʍ
then you were
sɐʍ l әɹәɥʍ
where you were
әɹәɥʍ sɐʍ l
where I was
noʎ sɐʍ l
if where I was
әɹәʍ noʎ ʍoɥ
was & were you
sɐʍ l әɹәʍ
& if we're

say the eye in sky
the ear in here
Tiresian blindfulness

Friday, November 23, 2012

saidition's song

a  g  l  a  n  c  e    s  e  n  t    w  a  y  s  i  d  i  n  g
i       p  e  r  p  e  n  d  i  c  u  l  a  r    s  a  c  r  a  m  e  n  t
d      a   
e      r       f  r  a  m  e    o  f    u  n  i  '  s    l  e  s  i  o  n
w     a      o
a      l       r
y      l
s      e      w  e
g              a
l       s       r
a      a       e
n      c
c      r       m                  a                  n                  y
e      i

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

 the great canon to the Cloud shall tell

(                                                            )

Monday, November 19, 2012


"two valleys in a valise" -christian bök

vice inverses
vises verses
vies is versus

vie sin,
     verse us

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Be sure to annunciate clearly so your words are not mist aching

or is it

that sounds swell
that sounds swell
that sounds swell

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

iambs o sing yule or I am so singular aye em sow singler eye him sew sin galore

hunt red thundery flours
george gas coin

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

quart of order quartered

hordes of corridors chords horrider hoarser a corse coarser oars of chorus horsed (orator the court)

Monday, November 12, 2012

doppelgängnam style

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"for voice is a sound with a meaning"
one might say

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

in someblance

full someones counting some ones. full counting of ones & somes. onesomenesses full of counting full of countings